Launchpad Lift Student Business Spotlight: Visos


This piece was originally published on the Techstars blog. View here.

Highlights of student-led ventures participating in LaunchPad Lift, part of the Blackstone LaunchPad® powered by Techstars® entrepreneurship program.

Many years ago when Matt Shumer, founder and CEO of Visos, first experienced virtual reality (VR) he immediately knew that this fledgling technology would change the world. Today he is leading a startup building the world’s most powerful standalone virtual reality headset, and his company is one of seven in the current Blackstone LaunchPad powered by Techstars Lift program.

Back then, Matt saved up to purchase an Oculus Rift and the parts to build a PC that could run it. He shared it with his friends every chance he got. However, he quickly recognized some significant challenges including software glitches, slow processing, hardware design issues, etc. After considerable research, Matt founded Visos to try to solve some of these issues and create a consumer headset focused on ease-of-use and convenience. He’s since pivoted — as startups often do — to building a next-generation standalone headset, designed for enterprise use. The opportunity Matt has identified enables companies and organizations to train employees faster and more efficiently, improve safety in high-risk situations, design better products, improve healthcare, and much more.

As a serial entrepreneur — Matt has been starting companies since the age of 12 — he recognizes both the challenge and the excitement of this lifestyle. “Throughout all of these ventures, one thing has stayed constant: my passion,” Matt said. “Being an entrepreneur is not a job you can do halfway — if you’re in, you’re all in. It’s something you eat, sleep, and breathe.”

Matt is currently a sophomore at Syracuse University, studying entrepreneurship in the Whitman School of Management, and working on his venture through his campus program, the Blackstone LaunchPad powered by Techstars at Syracuse University Libraries. After being selected for the second 2019 Lift cohort, he was assigned a Mentor: Babak Kia. A team-focused mentor is just one of the benefits that students of this 8-week virtual program receive. They also gain access to the wider Blackstone and Techstars networks of experts and advisors, content resources, talent network, and instruction on topics critical to startups including goal setting, product development and roadmapping, and more. In true entrepreneurial fashion, Matt is making as much use as possible of these new networks: he asked for and got the opportunity to discuss fundraising and sales strategies with Techstars Founder and Co-CEO David Cohen.

“Beyond the growth opportunities the program has afforded us, the speakers we’ve had a chance to listen to and learn from have been nothing short of amazing, and the connections the Techstars network offers have helped us immensely,” Matt said. “LaunchPad Lift has truly been a company-changing experience. Without a doubt, we wouldn’t be on the trajectory we’re currently on without it. I can’t wait for the rest of the program, and for the inevitable progress that will come with it!”

Matt’s goals during the Lift program involve learning as much as possible about his target market and gaining a better understanding of what they’re looking for — and what their current solutions lack. Having spoken with dozens of companies, ranging from small businesses to some of the largest companies in the world, Visos has now partnered with future beta-testers who are interested in the headset for training, education, medical uses, and more.

